Lizdin Enterprise التطبيقات

Petua Hilangkan Jeragat 3.0
Lizdin Enterprise
Inginkan petua hilangkan jeragat dengan mudah?disini kami berkongsi pelbagai tips-tips menghilangkan jeragat yangberkesan secara tradisional dengan bahan-bahan alami seperti :beras, putih telur, kunyit, sireh, limau dan pelbahai lagi bahanlagi. Kami berharap aplikasi ini dapat bermanfaat untuk anda.Ciri - Ciri Menarik Aplikasi ini :1) Anda TIDAK PERLUKAN TALIAN INTERNET untuk membaca info didalam aplikasi ini.2) Anda boleh SHARE / SEND petua hilangkan jeragat iniTerima kasihTravel tips easily getrid of freckles? here we share tips and get rid of freckleseffective traditionally with natural materials such as rice, eggwhite, turmeric, betel, lime and other materials pelbahai again. Wehope this app will be useful to you.Features - Attractive features of this application:1) You DO NOT NEED ONLINE to read the info in this app.2) You can SHARE / SEND tips eliminate this pigmentationThanks
Simple Nigeria Map Offline 14.0
Lizdin Enterprise
Get NIGERIA Map application here. It is just asimple map of Nigeria that can be view offline easily. You can alsozoom in to view it in details. We hope that the development of thisapp will help you find info on Nigeria easily :-) We love Nigeria:-)List of maps that it cover:1) Nigeria FULL MAP that covers all Nigeria city / division such asLagos , Abuja , Kano , Ibadan , Kaduna , Port Harcout , Benin City, Maiduguri , Zaria etc2) Nigeria Political Map3) Commercial Crops & Ecological Zones map4) Economic Activity Map5) Ethnolinguistic Groups Map6) Population Map7) Vegetation Map* It also cover a little bit information on Nigeria history ,economy , and government.ADDITIONAL FEATURES:1) Note2) Audio recording3) Throwing game4) Memory game5) QR Code scanner6) Barcode scanner7) Goal tracker8) Picture magic9) Scoreboardand many moreAny feedback, please email to usWe appreciate your feedback.Thank you :-)
Kumpulan Nama Bayi Jawa 9.0
Lizdin Enterprise
Dapatkan koleksi nama bayi Jawa disini. Adanama bayi untuk laki laki dan perempuan . Senarai nama disusunmengikut huruf bagi memudahkan pencarian anda. Semogabermanfaat.CIRI - CIRI APLIKASI INI:1) Anda TIDAK PERLUKAN TALIAN / KONEKSI INTERNET untuk membaca infodi dalam aplikasi ini2) Setiap nama bayi disusun mengikut huruf bagi memudahkanpencarian anda.3) Goal Tracker4) Anda boleh simpan nota dengan mudah5) Kalendar offline6) Tanda tangan digital7) Barkod Scanner8) QR Kod Scanner9) ScoreboardKami hargai setiap cadangan andaTerima kasih..Get a collection of babyname Java here. There is a name for a baby boy and girl. The listsorted by letter to facilitate your search. Hopefully useful.FEATURES - FEATURES APPLICATIONS:1) You DO NOT NEED ONLINE / INTERNET CONNECTION to read the info inthis app2) Every baby names sorted by letter to facilitate yoursearch.3) Goal Tracker4) You can save your notes easily5) Calendar offline6) Digital signatures7) Barcode Scanner8) QR Code Scanner9) ScoreboardWe appreciate any suggestions youThank you..
Funny Punjabi Jokes 2017 9.0
Lizdin Enterprise
Get 70 funniest Punjabi Jokes in one app.Funny and hilarious. Start your day with a smile.We will constantlyadd new jokes and we hope to make it to more than 1000 punjabijokes.We are really happy in building this app and we hope to share thejoyous benefit of Punjabi jokes to the world.Be happy and cherish laughter more.If you have any complaint / suggestion / feedback, please email tous :-)We really appreciate it.We hope this app will surely enlighten your day :-)
Kamus Indonesia Malaysia 7.0
Lizdin Enterprise
Dapatkan Kamus Indonesia, Malaysia dan jugaterjemahan Inggris disini. Kamus ini hanya kamus ringkas dari KBRIKuala Lumpur ( Laman Web ).Kami hanya menyediakannya dalam bentuk yang mudah dibawa kemana -mana oleh anda.Semoga bermanfaat.DISCLAIMER:Kamus ini dibina oleh pihak Kedutaan Besar Republik IndonesiaKuala Lumpur (KBRIKL) (Laman Web ) . Kami tidak terlibat didalam proses pembuatan. Penghargaan harus diberi kepada pihak KBRIKuala Lumpur. Kami cuma mencipta aplikasi mudah ini agar anda bolehmembaca kamus ini dimana-mana dengan mudah tanpa talianInternet.Segala saranan, sila email ke pengurus@murahbeb.comTerima kasih.Get Kamus Indonesia,Malaysia and the English translation here. This dictionary is aglossary of the Indonesian Embassy in Kuala Lumpur (Website We only provide it in a formthat is easy to carry around - where by you.Hopefully useful.DISCLAIMER:Dictionary built by the Indonesian Embassy in Kuala Lumpur(KBRIKL) (Website We do notengage in the manufacturing process. The award must be given to theIndonesian Embassy in Kuala Lumpur. We just created this simpleapplication so that you can read this dictionary everywhere easilywithout Internet.Any suggestions, please email to pengurus@murahbeb.comThank you.
Myanmar Embassy Information 9.0
Lizdin Enterprise
Want to get information about Myanmar Embassyaround the world ? We provide telephone number , fax number,address , email and website for each embassy for your convenience.May your trip will be a wonderful one. We hope that the creation ofthis app will help everybody out there.IMPORTANT : A must have app for Myanmar people who traveloversea.If you have any feedback or comment about telephone number's erroror any other errors , please contact us .We appreciate it.Thanks
30 Petua Lebatkan Rambut Best 6.0
Lizdin Enterprise
Dapatkan tips - tips dan petua lebatkan rambutyang berkesan. Insyaallah rambut anda akan lebih lebat dan panjangjika anda konsisten melakukan petua -petua ini. Petua inidikumpulkan daripada pelbagai sumber bagi kepuasan anda. Kamimenyajikan tips dari segi tradisional dan moden. Semoga berkesan.CIRI - CIRI TAMBAHAN:1) Sekarang, anda sudah boleh SHARE / SEND info melalui facebook,Twitter, Email, MMS dan lain - lain lagi2) Anda boleh merakam dan berkongsi rakaman anda3) Anda boleh mengimbas dan berkongsi Kod QR4) Anda boleh mengimbas Kodbar5) Anda boleh menulis dan menyimpan nota6) Fungsi "Countdown Timer" untuk Tahun 20167) Fungsi "Favorite"8) Fungsi Tanda Tangan Digital9) Fungsi Carian10) Fungsi "Goal Tracker"Moga Bermanfaat :-)PERHATIAN :1) Anda TIDAK PERLUKAN TALIAN INTERNET untuk membaca info dalamaplikasi ini.2) Semua maklumat di dalam aplikasi ini adalah untuk tujuanpembelajaran sahaja. Pihak kami tidak bertanggungjawab terhadapsegala kesan yang mungkin terjadi akibat daripada penggunaanmaklumat di dalam aplikasi ini.Segala info / soalan / cadangan / bantahan , sila kemukakan kepengurus@murahbeb.comKami hargai setiap cadangan andaTerima kasih..Get tips - tips and hintsdense hair effectively. God willing, your hair will be more denseand run if you consistently do this -petua tips. These tips werecollected from various sources for your satisfaction. We presenttips in terms of traditional and modern. Hopefully effective.FEATURES - ADDITIONAL FEATURES:1) Now, you can SHARE / Get info via Facebook, Twitter, Email, MMSand other - other2) You can record and share your recordings3) You can scan and share QR codes4) You can scan Kodbar5) You can write and save notes6) The "Countdown Timer" for 20167) The "Favorite"8) Function Digital Signatures9) Search Function10) The "Goal Tracker"Helpful Moga:-)CAUTION:1) You DO NOT NEED ONLINE to read the info in this app.2) All information in this application is for learning purposesonly. We are not responsible for any effects that might result fromthe use of information in this application.All info / questions / suggestions / objections, please submitto pengurus@murahbeb.comWe would appreciate any suggestions youThanks ..
Lizdin Enterprise
100 Complete Collection of Tips and Tips by 2020
How To Read Body Language Fast 9.0
Lizdin Enterprise
Want to know the SECRETS on body language ?Want to learn how to read body language easy and fast ? You havecome to the right place ! We covered all body language of men andbody language for women for you. You do not have to guess peoplebody language any more. You can do it instantly now !17 TIPS just for you. Some said it is hard to guess female bodylanguage or even men, but we share the tips that solved thatproblem easily.AWESOME NEW FEATURES:1) Digital signature feature2) Scoreboard3) Search feature4) Goal Tracker5) Voice recording and sharing6) Picture Magic Effect7) Barcode Scanner8) QR Code Scanner feature9) Note feature10) Throw game11) Memory gameand many more to come!INFO:1) You DO NOT NEED Internet connection to view info in thisappWe hope that all of these tips will help you.Any suggestion is highly appreciated.
Lizdin Enterprise
Funeral Prayer Procedures, Questions and Answers according to theSunnah of 2020
101 Kata Kata Semangat 2017 8.0
Lizdin Enterprise
Dapatkan banyak kata kata semangat ( lebihdaripada100 ) untuk menjalani kehidupan harian anda. Hidup penuhdengan cabaran dan hanya yang tabah dan kuat menghadapi setiappermasalahan dan mempunyai motivasi yang tinggi sahaja dapatmengharunginya. Inilah sebab utama aplikasi ini dihasilkan. Kamiingin berkongsi pelbagai kata kata semangat sebagai pembakarsemangat anda! Semoga hidup anda lebih berjaya, insyaallah.Ciri - Ciri Menarik Aplikasi ini :1) Anda TIDAK PERLUKAN TALIAN INTERNET untuk membaca info di dalamaplikasi ini.2) Anda boleh SHARE / SEND kata - kata semangat ini kepada rakan /keluarga anda melalui Facebook, Twitter, Email, MMS dan lain - lainlagi :-)3) Terdapat lebih daripada 100 koleksi ayat ayat semangat danmotivasi di dalam aplikasi ini (Akan ditambah dari masa kesemasa)4) Anda boleh merakam suara anda5) Anda boleh mengimbas Kod QR6) Anda boleh mengimbas Kodbar7) Anda boleh menulis dan menyimpan nota8) Fungsi "Countdown Timer" untuk Tahun 20189) Fungsi "Favorite"10) Fungsi Tanda Tangan Digital11) Fungsi Carian12) Fungsi "Goal Tracker"13) Anda boleh SMS di dalam aplikasi iniSegala info / soalan / cadangan / bantahan , sila emel kamiKami hargai setiap cadangan andaTerima kasih..Get many words ofencouragement (more daripada100) to live your daily life. Life isfull of challenges and only the brave and strong to face anyproblems and have high motivation only through it. This is the mainreason for this application is produced. We would like to share aword of encouragement to inspire you! I hope your life moresuccessful, God willing.Features - Attractive features of this application:1) You DO NOT NEED ONLINE to read the info in this app.2) You can SHARE / SEND words - words of encouragement to friends /family via Facebook, Twitter, Email, MMS and other - other again:-)3) There are more than 100 collections of verses enthusiasm andmotivation in this application (to be added from time totime)4) You can record your voice5) You can scan the QR Code6) You can scan the barcode7) You can write and save notes8) The "Countdown Timer" for 20189) The "Favorite"10) Function of Digital Signatures11) Search functions12) The "Goal Tracker"13) You can SMS in this applicationAny info / questions / suggestions / objections, please e-mailusWe appreciate any suggestions youThank you..
Resepi Nasi Lemak Sedap Betul 9.0
Lizdin Enterprise
Ingin mendapatkan Resepi Nasi Lemak PalingSedap ? Kami menyediakan lebih kurang 19 Resepi Nasi Lemak yangterbaik untuk anda ! Insyaallah, anda pasti PUAS . Resepi NasiLemak ini dikumpulkan daripada pelbagai sumber dan dari rakan -rakan kami sendiri. Cubalah sekarang, SEDAP dan LAZAT .Antara resipi nasi lemak di dalam android app ini ialah:1) Resepi Nasi Lemak Sedap2) Resepi Nasi Lemak Kukus3) Resepi Nasi Lemak Mudah4) Resepi Nasi Lemak Tumis5) Resepi Nasi Lemak Ibu6) Resepi Nasi Lemak Wangi7) Resepi Nasi Lemak Santan Kotak8) Resepi Nasi Lemak Sabah9) Resepi Nasi Lemak Hijau Seroi10) Resepi Nasi Lemak Simple11) Resepi Nasi Lemak Berpulut12) Resepi Nasi Lemak Tanpa Santan13) Resepi Nasi Lemak Sepagi13) Resepi Nasi Lemak Terenggan14) Resepi Nasi Lemak Perantau15) Resepi Nasi Lemak Sedap16) Resepi Nasi Lemak Beras Basmathi17) Resepi Nasi Lemak Hujan Panas18) Resepi Nasi Lemak Ibu19) Resepi Nasi Lemak SpecialINFO PENTING !!:1) Anda TIDAK PERLUKAN talian Internet untuk melihat senarai resepinasi lemak ini2) Koleksi resepi nasi ini diperolehi daripada pelbagai sumber dandari rakan - rakan kami sendiri.3) Segala cadangan / komen sila kemukakan kepada kamiMoga BermanfaatWant to get Nasi LemakMost Tasty Recipes? We provide more than 19 of the best Nasi Lemakrecipes for you! God willing, you will SATISFIED. Nasi Lemakrecipes are collected from various sources and from a friend - afriend of our own. Try it now, yummy and delicious.Among the recipes nasi lemak in this android app are:1) Nasi Lemak Tasty Recipes2) Fat Recipes Steamed Rice3) Nasi Lemak Easy Recipes4) Fry Recipe Nasi Lemak5) Rice Recipes Fat Mom6) Recipe Nasi Lemak Fragrances7) Nasi Lemak Recipe Box Santan8) Recipe Nasi Lemak Sabah9) Recipe Nasi Lemak Green Seroi10) Nasi Lemak Simple Recipes11) Recipe Nasi Lemak Berpulut12) Rice Recipes Fat Without Santan13) As early as Nasi Lemak recipes13) Recipe Nasi Lemak Terenggan14) Recipe Nasi Lemak Groceries15) Nasi Lemak Tasty Recipes16) Basmati Rice Recipe Nasi Lemak17) Recipe Nasi Lemak Rain Showers18) Rice Recipes Fat Mom19) Recipe Nasi Lemak Special!! IMPORTANT INFO:1) You DO NOT NEED Internet connection to view the list of recipesnasi lemak2) A collection of recipes, rice is obtained from various sourcesand from a friend - a friend of our own.3) Any suggestions / comments please write to usMoga Helpful
Lizdin Enterprise
Best Chicken Rice Recipes and Tasty
22 Resepi Roti Jala Sedap 2017 9.0
Lizdin Enterprise
Dapatkan 22 resepi roti jala yang sedap ini .Anda pasti terliur untuk mencubanya. Mudah , cepat dan sedap.Semoga bermanfaat untuk semua. Kami akan menambah pelbagai resepiroti jala lagi.PERHATIAN : Anda TIDAK PERLUKAN TALIAN INTERNET untuk membacaresepi roti jala di dalam aplikasi ini.Segala info / soalan / cadangan / bantahan , sila kemukakan kepengurus@murahbeb.comKami hargai setiap cadangan andaTerima kasih..Get 22 recipes of thisdelicious roti jala. You must drivel to try it. Easy, quick anddelicious. May be useful for all. We will add a variety of recipesroti jala again.NOTE: You DO NOT NEED ONLINE to read recipes roti jala in thisapplication.All info / questions / suggestions / objections, please submit topengurus@murahbeb.comWe would appreciate any suggestions youThanks ..
Solat Sunat Aidilfitri & Info 10.0
Lizdin Enterprise
Ingin mengetahui cara Solat Sunat Aidilfitri ?Kami menyediakan juga 36 persoalan berkaitan sembahyang raya dansambutan Aidilfitri itu sendiri. Niat solat raya , takbir raya danpelbagai lagi info. Semoga bermanfaat untuk semua.Insyaallah.Ciri - ciri aplikasi ini :1) Anda TIDAK PERLUKAN TALIAN INTERNET untuk membaca info solatIdul Fitri ini2) Hampir 36 persoalan-persoalan diutarakan beserta jawapannyasekali3) Semua maklumat / info berkenaan aplikasi panduan solataidilfitri ini diambil daripada lamanweb (Projek IslamGRIDadalah projek kerjasama terutamanya antara MAMPU dan JabatanKemajuan Islam Malaysia (sebagai pemilik) yang mana kedua-duanya dibawah Jabatan Perdana Menteri dan beberapa agensi lain sepertiMOSTI)4) Semua jawapan bagi setiap persoalan dijawab oleh panel - panelustaz dari banyak fungsi hebat seperti :1) Nota2) Rakaman suara3) Countdown hari raya aidilfitri tahun 20174) Goal tracker5) Pengimbas barkod6) Pengimbas Kod QR7) SMS dalam aplikasi8) Kalendar9) Tanda tangan digital10) ScoreboardSegala info / soalan / cadangan / bantahan , sila kemukakan kepadakamiKami hargai setiap cadangan andaTerima kasih..Want to know howAidilfitri prayers? We provide also 36 questions of worship andAidilfitri feast itself. Prayer intention polls, takbir raya andmany more info. May be useful for semua.Insyaallah.The feature - this application:1) You DO NOT NEED ONLINE to read this Eid prayers info2) Nearly 36 questions posed and answers once3) All information / info regarding applications aidilfitri prayerguide is taken from the website (IslamGRID projectis a cooperation project between CAN and especially the IslamicDevelopment Department of Malaysia (as owner) which both under theprime minister's Department and other agencies such as MOSTI)4) All the answers for every question answered by the panel - ustpanel of a lot of great functions such as:1) Notes2) Voice recording3) the upcoming Countdown 20174) Goal tracker5) The barcode scanner6) QR Code Scanner7) SMS in application8) Calendar9) Digital signatures10) ScoreboardAny info / questions / suggestions / objections, please write tousWe appreciate any suggestions youThank you..
Lizdin Enterprise
This simple app, provide link to 88 awesome Punjabi base onlinenews around the world. You can browse all the news link here. Wehope that the development of this App will help you get all thebreaking news on Punjabi easily ! We also add extra informationsuch as Punjabi Jokes, Punjabi cultures and many more awesomeinformation. EXTRA FEATURES inside this app: 1) Countdown timer for2020 2) Offline Calendar 3) Note taking 4) QR scanner 5) Goaltracker and many more. DISCLAIMER: All the info in this app belongsto the respective news / radio / magazine channel. We do not haveany affiliation with them. We only built simple app that make iteasier for you to view all the news from various newspapers /magazines easily in one place. We appreciate it sir / madam :-)Thanks.
Zakat Fitrah Dan Persoalannya 12.0
Lizdin Enterprise
Dapatkan aps berkenaan info Zakat Fitrah dan50 persoalannya. Maklumat berkenaan cara pembayaran zakat , niatzakat , syarat untuk zakat fitrah , masa pembayaran zakat , qada'zakat dan pelbagai lagi disediakan disini. Persoalan - persoalanini akan ditambah dari masa ke semasa.Semoga aplikasi ringkas ini bermanfaat. Amin.Ciri - ciri aplikasi ini :1) Anda TIDAK PERLUKAN TALIAN INTERNET untuk membaca maklumat carazakat fitrah dalam aplikasi ini (Hanya video tentang zakat fitrahdari Lembaga Zakat Selangor sahaja memerlukan talianInternet)2) Hampir 50 persoalan-persoalan diutarakan beserta jawapannyasekali3) Semua maklumat / info berkenaan aplikasi ini diambil daripadalamanweb (ProjekIslamGRID adalah projek kerjasama terutamanya antara MAMPU danJabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (sebagai pemilik) yang manakedua-duanya di bawah Jabatan Perdana Menteri dan beberapa agensilain seperti MOSTI)4) Semua jawapan bagi setiap persoalan dijawab oleh panel - panelustaz dari Bagi setiap persoalan , disertakan sekali sumber rujukannya.UPDATE 9.0 - KEMASKINI HEBAT-Banyak penambahbaikan seperti:1) Fungsi Nota2) Permainan memori3) Pengimbas barkod4) Pengimbas QR kod5) Goal Tracker6) Magic Gambar7) Tanda Tangan Digital8) Scorecard9) SMS dalam aplikasiSegala info / soalan / cadangan / bantahan , sila kemukakan kepadakamiKami hargai setiap cadangan andaTerima kasih..Get info aps regardingZakat Fitrah and 50 the question. Information on how to pay zakat,alms intentions, conditions for zakat fitrah, zakat payment time,Qada 'zakat and many more are available here. The question - thequestion will be added from time to time.Hopefully this simple application useful. Amen.The feature - this application:1) You DO NOT NEED ONLINE to read information on how to tithe inthis application (only videos of the tithe of the Selangor ZakatBoard only requires Internet connection)2) Nearly 50 questions posed and answers once3) All information / info regarding this application is taken fromthe website The project is a cooperation project between CAN andespecially the Islamic Development Department of Malaysia (asowner) which both under the prime minister's Department and otheragencies such as MOSTI)4) All the answers for every question answered by the panel - ustpanel of For each question, included all sources of reference.UPDATE 9.0 - HOT UPDATESLots of improvements such as:1) Function Note2) Memory Game3) Barcode Scanner4) Scanner QR code5) Goal Tracker6) Magic Pictures7) Digital Signatures8) Scorecard9) SMS in applicationAny info / questions / suggestions / objections, please write tousWe appreciate any suggestions youThank you..
Lizdin Enterprise
In this app, we share many credit repair tips. It will surely helpyou to fix your credit easily. You can improve your credit scorewith 10 simple tips. If you are one of those guy who want tocorrect your bad credit, we hope that this app will help you.IMPORTANT INFO: 1) You DO NOT NEED ANY internet connection to viewinfo in this app ADDITION OF NEW FEATURES: 1) Digital signaturefeature 2) Scoreboard 3) Search feature 4) Goal Tracker 5) Voicerecording and sharing 6) Memory game 7) Barcode Scanner 8) QR CodeScanner feature 9) Note feature 10) Throw game and many more tocome! We hope you love it :-) Any comments , feedback , questions,please email us. We hope this app will do wonder for you.
Lizdin Enterprise
Dapatkan 60 ++ koleksi kad hari rayaaidilfitri sekarang. Percuma dan anda tidak perlukan sebarangtalian Internet untuk melihat koleksi kad raya ini. Anda juga bolehmenghantar kad - kad raya ini kepada kawan - kawan anda denganmudah.KELEBIHAN - KELEBIHAN APLIKASI INI:1) Penambahan fungsi template kad raya. Anda tidak perlukansambungan internet untuk membaca senarai kad dan anda boleh jugamenghantar kad raya ini kepada rakan - rakan anda yang lain2) Game Baling2 comel3) Goal Tracker4) Countdown Hari Raya 20175) Kalendar offline6) Tanda tangan digital7) Anda boleh simpan nota dengan mudah8) Barkod Scanner9) QR Kod Scanner10) ScoreboardINFO APLIKASI INI:Sebarang permasalahan berkaitan aplikasi ini, emailkan kepadakamiTERIMA KASIH.Get 60 ++ the upcomingcollectible card now. Free and you do not need any internetconnection to view card collection this election. You can also senda card - a card this holiday to friends - your friendseasily.ADVANTAGES - APPLICATIONS ADVANTAGES:1) Adding a template function cards. You do not need an Internetconnection to read the list of cards and you can also send thisgreat card to a friend - your friend the other2) Game Baling2 cute3) Goal Tracker4) Election Day Countdown 20175) Calendar offline6) Digital signatures7) You can save your notes easily8) Barcode Scanner9) QR Code Scanner10) ScoreboardINFO APPLICATIONS:Any problems related to this application, email usTHANK YOU.
22 Petua Mudah Bersalin Hebat 6.0
Lizdin Enterprise
Dapatkan 22 Petua Mudah Bersalin yanginsyaallah kesan. Tips dan petua ini dikumpulkan dari pelbagaisumber. Ada yang secara tradisional dan juga moden. Kami berharapagar pembinaan aplikasi ini , dapat membantu para ibu / bakal ibuyang bakal menimang cahaya mata nanti , mudah dalam urusan bersalinmereka. Semoga semuanya selamat, aminPERHATIAN :1) Anda TIDAK PERLUKAN TALIAN INTERNET untuk membaca tips mudahmelahirkan di dalam aplikasi ini.2) Semua informasi di dalam aplikasi ini adalah untuk tujuanpembelajaran sahaja. Pihak kami tidak bertanggungjawab terhadapsegala kesan daripada penggunaan informasi di dalam aplikasi ini(jika ada).Segala info / soalan / cadangan / bantahan , sila kemukakan keadmin@sitinorliza.comKami hargai setiap cadangan andaTerima kasih..22 Simple Tips Maternityget the impression God willing. Tips and hints are collected fromvarious sources. There is a traditional and also modern. We hopethat the construction of this application, can help mothers /mothers who will be rocking a baby later, easily in the affairs oftheir birth. Hopefully everything is safe, amenCAUTION:1) You DO NOT NEED INTERNET ONLINE easy to read tips expressedin this application.2) All information in this application is for learning purposesonly. We are not responsible for any effects from use of theinformation in this application (if any).All info / questions / suggestions / objections, please submit toadmin@sitinorliza.comWe would appreciate any suggestions youThanks ..
30 Petua Kempiskan Perut 9.0
Lizdin Enterprise
Dapatkan 30 petua - petua yang berkesan untukkempiskan perut anda. Insyaallah berkesan. Kami mengumpulkan tips -tips kempiskan perut secara tradisional dan moden. Cubalahsekarang. Pasti Berbaloi. Tips dan petua akan ditambah dari hari kehari. Insyaallah Berbaloi!PERHATIAN :1) Anda TIDAK PERLUKAN TALIAN INTERNET untuk membaca info dalamaplikasi ini.2) Semua maklumat di dalam aplikasi ini adalah untuk tujuanpembelajaran sahaja. Pihak kami tidak bertanggungjawab terhadapsegala kesan yang mungkin terjadi akibat daripada penggunaanmaklumat di dalam aplikasi ini.Segala info / soalan / cadangan / bantahan , sila kemukakan kepengurus@murahbeb.comKami hargai setiap cadangan andaTerima kasih..Get 30 tips - tips thatare effective for the deflation of your stomach. God willingeffective. We collect tips - tips deflation of traditional andmodern stomach. Try it now. Definitely worthwhile. Tips and hintswill be increased from day to day. Noteworthy God willing!CAUTION:1) You DO NOT NEED ONLINE to read the info in this app.2) All information in this application is for learning purposesonly. We are not responsible for any effects that might result fromthe use of information in this application.All info / questions / suggestions / objections, please submit topengurus@murahbeb.comWe would appreciate any suggestions youThanks ..
Petua Kuruskan Badan Berkesan 14.0
Lizdin Enterprise
Segala rahsia berkenaan Petua Kuruskan Badandikongsikan disini. Banyak info berkenaan cara kuruskan badan dankaedah mendapatkan badan yang kurus khas untuk anda. Anda pastidapat kuruskan badan dengan mudah. Lebih kurang 29 tips kuruskanbadan dikongsikan bersama. Kami berharap petua untuk kuruskan badanyang kami kongsikan ini bermanfaat untuk semua.CIRI - CIRI APLIKASI PETUA KURUSKAN BADAN INI :1) Anda TIDAK PERLUKAN TALIAN INTERNET untuk melihat infodisini2) Mudah untuk melihat info ( Tulisan yang jelas )PENAMBAHAN BANYAK FUNGSI HEBAT SEPERTI :1) Nota2) Rakaman suara3) Countdown tahun baru 20184) Goal tracker5) Pengimbas barkod6) Pengimbas Kod QR7) SMS dalam aplikasi8) Kalendar offline9) Tanda tangan digital10) ScoreboardSegala pandangan / komen / tambahan berkenaan aplikasi ini , silakemukakan kepada kami.Kami hargai pandangan anda.Terima kasihAny secret tips to loseweight may be shared here. Lots of info about how to lose weightand get the lean body just for you. You certainly can lose weighteasily. Approximately 29 tips to lose weight shared together. Wehope these tips to lose weight that we share is beneficial toall.FEATURES - FEATURES APPLICATIONS THIS TIP lose weight:1) You DO NOT NEED ONLINE to see info here2) Easy to see info (Posts clear)FUNCTION AS MANY GREAT ADDITION:1) Notes2) Voice recording3) 2018 New Year Countdown4) Goal tracker5) The barcode scanner6) QR Code Scanner7) SMS in application8) Calendar offline9) Digital signatures10) ScoreboardAll views / comments / additional regarding this application,please write to us.We care about your opinion.Thank you
Lizdin Enterprise
Awesome Urdu Poems Collection 2020
Waktu Solat Kuala Lumpur 2017 10.0
Lizdin Enterprise
Dapatkan maklumat lengkap berkenaan WaktuSolat Kuala Lumpur dan Putrajaya bagi Tahun 2017. Waktu sembahyangbagi kawasan KL , Putrajaya dan kawasan sekitarnya ini disusundaripada bulan Januari sehingga bulan Disember untuk Tahun 2017.Semoga aplikasi ringkas ini bermanfaat bagi anda menunaikan ibadahsolat dengan sempurna. Jangan lupa solat ye!!Ciri - Ciri Aplikasi ini :1) Anda TIDAK PERLUKAN TALIAN INTERNET untuk membaca maklumat waktusolat di dalam aplikasi ini.2) Kesemua waktu - waktu solat ini dirujuk daripada Laman Web RasmiPejabat Mufti Wilayah Persekutuan di >> info / soalan / cadangan / bantahan , sila kemukakan kepadakamiKami hargai setiap cadangan andaTerima kasih.Get complete informationon Prayer Time Kuala Lumpur and Putrajaya for the Year 2017 PrayerTimes for KL, Putrajaya and the surrounding area are compiled fromJanuary to December of the year 2017. We hope this simpleapplication is useful for you to perform prayers perfectly. Do notforget to pray ye !!Feature - The app features:1) You DO NOT NEED ONLINE to read the prayer times in thisapplication.2) All the time - referred prayers from the official website of theOffice of Federal Territory Mufti >> info / questions / suggestions / objections, please write tousWe appreciate any suggestions youThank you.
Menu Makan Siang Sedap 6.0
Lizdin Enterprise
Ingin mendapatkan Menu Makan Siang Sedap ??Kami menyediakan tips - tips pemilihan makan siang yang sesuai ,enak dan berkhasiat untuk anda. Kami juga share resep - resep makanyang pasti enak banget :-)Fitur - fitur program ini :1) Kurang lebih 23 TIPS dan RESEP makan siang khas untukanda2) Dapat digunakan secara offline3) Anda dapat mengirim info di dalam aplikasi4) Program ini adalah 100 % gratis5) Penampilan program ini sangat simple dan mudah digunakan6) Anda juga bisa mengubah ukuran tulisan di dalam program inimenjadi besar atau kecil (zoom)Want to get Sedap LunchMenu ?? We provide tips - tips on selecting an appropriate lunch,tasty and nutritious for you. We also share recipes - recipes iscertainly awful :-)Features - features of the program:1) Approximately 23 RECIPES TIPS and typical lunch for you2) Can be used offline3) You can send the information in the application4) This program is 100% free5) The appearance of this program is very simple and easy touse6) You can also change the size of text in this program to be bigor small (zoom)
Great Diet Tips 6.0
Lizdin Enterprise
Get the great diet tips now. It contain a lotof info such as diet and weight loss information , diet to lowercholesterol, healthy dieting tips, lemonade cleansing diet , DNAdiets and many more. You can be sure we got all of it cover.Excerpt from app :When it comes to dieting you will find all kinds of crazy andfaddish diets on the market today. In addition to the many dietsthere seems to be every kind of diet aid you can imagine. Fromshakes the diet industry has evolved to include everything fromcandy bars and pudding to pills and patches. Each item makes theclaim that it can help you drop those unwanted pounds quickly andeasily. Well I can tell you for a fact there is very little easyfor must of us about dropping a few pounds.If you would like a few tips that should make your weight lossgoals a little easier to achieve then perhaps the following tipswill help you out.Drink Plenty of Water. There really isn't enough that can besaid about the importance of drinking water in an effort to reachyour fitness goals. Water hydrates the body first and foremost butwater is also an important way of tricking your body into believingit is full. Other drinks do not work nearly as well as water inthis endeavor and many drinks, even fruit juices, contain emptycalories that you can ill afford when dieting.Set Goals. Having goals is one of the most important things youcan do when working to loose weight. Try to make sure that yourgoals are aggressive but can be achieved. If you are frustratedearly in the dieting process by unrealistic goals you are much morelikely to give up. However, challenges are always going to inspireus to achieve greater things in life. If you can find a 'weightloss partner' in order to have a little friendly competition forthe weight loss totals for a week or a month then you are going tobe far more likely to accomplish your goals than if you keep themquietly to yourself.Eat More. Did you read that twice? Yes, eat more healthy foodsthat are high in fiber. Eat more vegetables and fruits-fill up onthese foods that are good for you and you will not be inclined tobinge on calorie laden junk food.We hope that little bit of information is helpful to you. Wantmore?? Get our great diet tips app now.Any feedback is highly appreciated.IMPORTANT INFO:1) You DO NOT NEED internet connection to view info in this appThanks
101 + Koleksi Kata Kata Hikmah 8.0
Lizdin Enterprise
Dapatkan lebih daripada 100 koleksi kata katahikmah di dalam satu aplikasi. Jadikan hidup anda lebih bermotivasidan semangat dengan kata kata hikmat ini. Semoga bermanfaat.Ciri - Ciri Menarik Aplikasi ini :1) Anda TIDAK PERLUKAN TALIAN INTERNET untuk membaca info dalamaplikasi ini.2) Anda boleh SHARE / SEND kata - kata hikmah ini kepada rakan /keluarga anda melalui Facebook, Twitter, Email, MMS dan lain - lainlagi :-)3) Terdapat lebih daripada 100 koleksi ungkapan ayat ayat hikmah didalam aplikasi ini (Akan ditambah dari masa ke semasa)4) Anda boleh merakam suara anda5) Anda boleh mengimbas Kod QR6) Anda boleh mengimbas Kodbar7) Anda boleh menulis dan menyimpan nota8) Fungsi "Countdown Timer" untuk Tahun 20189) Fungsi "Favorite"10) Fungsi Tanda Tangan Digital11) Fungsi Carian12) Fungsi "Goal Tracker"Segala info / soalan / cadangan / bantahan , sila kemukakan kepengurus@sitinorliza.comKami hargai setiap cadangan andaTerima kasih..Get more than 100collections of words of wisdom in one application. Make your lifemore motivated and spirit with these words of wisdom. Hopefullyuseful.Features - Attractive features of this application:1) You DO NOT NEED ONLINE to read the info in this app.2) You can SHARE / SEND words - words of wisdom to friends / familyvia Facebook, Twitter, Email, MMS and other - other again :-)3) There are more than 100 expressions collection of verses wisdomin this application (to be added from time to time)4) You can record your voice5) You can scan the QR Code6) You can scan the barcode7) You can write and save notes8) The "Countdown Timer" for 20189) The "Favorite"10) Function of Digital Signatures11) Search functions12) The "Goal Tracker"Any info / questions / suggestions / objections, please write topengurus@sitinorliza.comWe appreciate any suggestions youThank you..
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54 Great Car Buying Tips in 2020
Cute Girl Dog Names App 2017 8.0
Lizdin Enterprise
Find 500+ awesome girl dog names app for yourbeloved dogs or puppy. Get the best name for them now ! We hope youlike it. Famous example of the unique female puppy names are Abby,Bella, Baby, Allie. Angel. Annie. Athena, Bailey and manymore.We guaranteed you that all of these female dog names are reallyupdated , cute , cool , popular and suit your dogs well :-)We enjoy doing this app and we hope you will too. :-)Any feedback / complaints / questions regarding this app, pleaseemail usThanks
Lizdin Enterprise
Get 500+ cool boy dog names app for your pet:-) We hope it help you find the coolest / awesome name for yourdog / puppy . We really hope that this app will help you. We lovemaking this app. We hope that you will love it too :-)Example of the dog names:CasablancaChop SueyCompadreCaboCasanovaChoo-ChooConanCaboodleCasbahChopstickConfuciusCabooseCaseyChumleeCongaCadburyand many more :-)Any feedback / complaints / questions regarding this app, pleaseemail usThanks
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The Complete Morning Prayer Method, Questions and Answers for 2020
Jom Conteng Gambar 2.0
Lizdin Enterprise
Aplikasi android Jom Conteng Gambarinimembolehkan pengguna untuk menconteng gambar yang ada (gambarkucing ). Anda juga boleh menangkap gambar menggunakan kameradanmenconteng gambar itu.Hanya 3 warna sahaja yang boleh digunakan iaitu biru , hijaudanmerah. Anda boleh menggunakan fungsi titik kecil dan besaruntukmenghasilkan titik bulatan yang kecil dan besar.Anda juga boleh memadam contengan yang ada dengan mudah.PERHATIAN:1) Aplikasi android ini hanyalah sebuah aplikasi yangringkassahaja ( eksperimen)PENAMBAHBAIKAN :1) Insyaallah, kami bercadang untuk menambahkan fungsiberikutpada 'update' yang seterusnya:-Kebolehan untuk menghantar gambar yang dicontengkefacebook-Kebolehan untuk menghantar 'tweet' gambar-Kebolehan untuk menyimpan gambat ke handphone / tablet andaINFO:Sebarang komen / pandangan / pendapat sila hantar ke admin@bisnesonline.bizKamisangat menghargai pandangan anda .
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101 Funny Quotes About Life in 2020
Fast QR Code Reader 7.0
Lizdin Enterprise
Get fast QR Code reader now. It is really easyto read / scan QR Code .You can save all your qr code in yoursmartphone. You can also send it to friend or yourself.You DO NOT NEED any internet connection to read / scan the qrcode. If you want to surf the website of that qr code, then, youNEED internet connection.If you have any feedback, please email to us.We really appreciate it.We hope it help you tremendously, thank you.
Lizdin Enterprise
Inginkah anda mengetahui dengan lebih lanjuttentang demam denggi, tanda tandanya dan kaedah mencegahnya.Aplikasi ini berkongsi segalanya dengan anda.INFO RINGKAS DEMAM DENGGI. Demam denggi adalah sejenis penyakitjangkitan virus yang merebak melalui gigitan nyamuk Aedes aegyptiyang telah dijangkiti.Terdapat empat (4) jenis virus yang bolehmenyebabkan demam denggi (DEN 1, DEN 2, DEN 3 dan DEN 4).Jangkitan oleh salah satu jenis virus akan memberikan imunititerhadap virus jenis itu sahaja, jika individu tinggal di kawasanjangkitan denggi, mereka boleh di jangkiti lebih dari sekali seumurhidupnya.Lebih 100 negara di Asia Selatan, Asia Tenggara, Afrika,Amerika Timur Mediterranean dan Pasifik Barat mengalami masalahdenggiSelain itu, kami juga menyediakan beberapa ciri tambahan didalam aplikasi ini seperti menulis nota, countdown timer, merakamaudio dan fungsi carian.Segala info / soalan / cadangan / bantahan , sila kemukakan keadmin@sitinorliza.comKami hargai setiap cadangan andaTerima kasih..Would you want to knowmore about dengue fever, signs signs and methods of preventing it.These applications share everything with you.BRIEF INFO DENGUE FEVER. Dengue fever is a viral disease spreadby the bite of the Aedes aegypti mosquito that hasdijangkiti.Terdapat four (4) types of viruses that cause denguefever (DEN 1, DEN 2, DEN 3 and DEN 4).Infection by one type of virus will provide immunity against thevirus type, if the individual lives in dengue infection, they caninfect more than one time hidupnya.Lebih 100 countries in SouthAsia, Southeast Asia, Africa, Eastern Mediterranean and PacificAmerican West suffered dengueIn addition, we also provide a number of additional features inthis application, such as writing notes, countdown timer, audiorecording and search functions.All info / questions / suggestions / objections, please write toadmin@sitinorliza.comWe appreciate all your suggestionsThank you ..
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Aplikasi ini menyediakan pelbagai maklumat terbaru berkenaanjawatan kosong di Malaysia. Kami mengumpulkan pelbagai iklan kerjakosong dari pelbagai sumber, menganalisis kebenarannya (sepertimenelefon secara langsung ke agensi yang berkenaan) danmemaparkannya di aplikasi kami. Setiap jawatan kosong yangdipaparkan adalah disahkan oleh pasukan kami sendiri. Jika andaingin mencari kerja kosong, inilah aplikasi yang sesuai untuk anda.Kami mengemaskini senarai kerja kosong ini sekali setiap hari. Kamijuga menyediakan pelbagai fungsi tambahan untuk kemudahan andaseperti: Semoga aplikasi ringkas ini bermanfaat
Lizdin Enterprise
Inginkah anda mencari pasangan hidup danjodohanda? Di aplikasi ini, kami menawarkan 70 tips yang terbaikuntukcari jodoh. Gunakan nasihat di dalam aplikasi ini untuklebihmengenali pasangan anda. Setiap insan berbeza darisegiperwatakannya. Jadi, kenali pasangan anda dan anda pastiakanberjaya! Tidak kira sama ada anda ingin mencari janda atauanakdara, anda pasti akan mendapat sesuatu disini. Antara tips -tipsterbaik adalah seperti:"Jika orang perempuan marah, pujuklah dengan kasih sayang.Tanyakenapa dia marah, dengari dengan teliti dan jangan komen ataucubaberi nasihat. Orang perempuan mudah sayang pada lelaki yangpandaimendengar dan sensitif kepada perasaannya."Tips ini lebih tertuju kepada cara lelaki menghadapiwanitakesayangan mereka"Bila bercakap dengan lelaki, orang perempuan harus fokuskepadafakta dan sampaikan secara ringkas. Penjelasan yangberjela-jeladan memasukkan unsur perasaan akan membunuh minatlelakiterhadapnya"Tips ini pula lebih fokus kepada cara wanita melayanlelakikesayangan merekaSemoga tips ini bermanfaat.Do you want to findyoursoul mate and life partner? In this application, we offer thebest70 tips to find a mate. Use the advice in this applicationtobetter recognize your partner. Every human being is differentinterms of character. So, know your partner and you will succeed!Nomatter whether you want to search for a widow or a virgin, youwilldefinitely get something here. Some tips - best tips are:"If the woman angry, excite with love. Ask why she isangry,listen carefully and do not comment or try to give advice.Thesimple women love men who know how to listen and be sensitivetoher feelings."These tips are more focused on how men deal with theirbelovedwomen"When speaking with men, women should focus on the factsandconvey briefly. Explanations are verbose and include feelingsofmen will kill interest against"These tips are more focused on how women treat theirbelovedmenHopefully these tips helpful.
Alat Jimat Minyak MPC 6.0
Lizdin Enterprise
Alat Jimat Minyak Max Power Controllerberkesan menjimatkan minyak kereta anda! Banyak testimoni danterbukti berhasil menjimatkan wang anda. Dapatkan sekarang. Kospenghantaran percuma. kami menggunakan pos laju untuk hantar.Harga Promosi Max Power Controller S Series cuma RM 199 untuksemenanjung Malaysia. Harga sebenar ialah RM 239.Harga Promosi Max Power Controller S Series cuma RM 229 untukSabah dan Sarawak. Harga sebenar ialah RM 299Hubungi / SMS pegawai kami Encik Deen 011 15326214 atau PuanSiti 016 9613074 untuk menempah atau sekadar bertanya. Kamimenunngu anda :-)Insyaallah berkesanFuel-efficient applianceMax Power Controller save fuel efficient your car! Manytestimonials and proven successful save you money. Get it now. Freeshipping cost. we use a courier to send.Price promotions Max Power Controller S Series only RM 199 forpeninsular Malaysia. Actual price is RM 239.Price promotions Max Power Controller S Series only RM 229 forSabah and Sarawak. Actual price is RM 299Call / SMS our officers Mr Deen 011 15326214 or 016 9613074 toMrs. Siti book or just ask. We are waiting you:-)God willing effective
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Get a variety of verses surrender special love for you. Hopefullyuseful
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Kami berkongsi 16 petua kaedah menghilangkan jerawat anda denganmudah secara tradisional / semulajadi. Insyaallah berkesan. Cubadahulu ye. Kami berharap agar tips - tips ini dapat membantu kitasemua. Jika terdapat sebarang komen / cadangan / bantahan / tipsbaru untuk rawat jerawat ni, atau apa - apa berkenaan aplikasi ini,sila hubungi kami. Kami hargai setiap cadangan anda.
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Get a variety of information on Awal Muharram. Hopefully Helpful
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Info Lengkap Cara Mandi Wajib / Cara MandiJunub untuk anda. Kami menyediakan info tata cara mandi wajib bagilelaki dan perempuan . Kami juga menyediakan lebih kurang 180persoalan - persoalan berkaitan masalah mandi wajib besertajawapannya.App yang harus dimiliki bagi setiap umat Islam. Semogabermanfaat.Fakta Dan Ciri - Ciri Menarik Aplikasi ini :1) Anda TIDAK PERLUKAN TALIAN INTERNET untuk membaca app ini2) Hampir 180 ++ persoalan-persoalan diutarakan beserta jawapannyasekali3) Semua maklumat / info berkenaan aplikasi ini diambil daripadasistem IslamGrid (Projek IslamGRID adalah projek kerjasamaterutamanya antara MAMPU dan Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia(sebagai pemilik) yang mana kedua-duanya di bawah Jabatan PerdanaMenteri dan beberapa agensi lain seperti MOSTI)4) Semua jawapan bagi setiap persoalan dijawab oleh panel - panelustaz / ustazah dari IslamGrid5) Kami hanya menyediakan maklumat ini di dalam bentuk yang mudahdibawa kemana - mana oleh kita semua tanpa talian Internet.Kamijuga tidak mempunyai sebarang afiliasi / hubungan dengan pihakIslamGridKAMI JUGA MENAMBAHKAN BANYAK FUNGSI - FUNGSI LAIN YANG INSYAALLAHBERMANFAAT SEPERTI:1) Fungsi Tulis, simpan dan kongsi nota2) Fungsi rakaman suara3) Fungsi pengimbas barkod4) Fungsi pengimbas kod QR5) Fungsi tanda tangan digital6) Fungsi sms di dalam aplikasi7) Fungsi favorit8) Fungsi carian di dalam aplikasi9) Fungsi carian waktu solat seluruh Malaysia10) Fungsi Goal Trackerdan banyak lagi...Segala info / soalan / cadangan / bantahan , sila kemukakan kepengurus@murahbeb.comKami hargai setiap cadangan andaTerima kasihComplete Info How Ghusl /How ghusl for you. We provide info ordinance shall bathrooms formen and women. We also provide approximately 180 questions -questions related problems and answers compulsory bath.The app is a must-have for every Muslim. Hopefully useful.Facts And Features - Attractive features of this application:1) You DO NOT NEED ONLINE to read this app2) Nearly 180 ++ questions posed and answers once3) All information / info regarding this application is taken fromIslamGRID system (IslamGRID project is a cooperation projectbetween CAN and especially the Islamic Development Department ofMalaysia (as owner) which are both under the Prime Minister'sDepartment and other agencies such as MOSTI)4) All the answers for every question answered by a panel - a panelteacher / ustazahs of IslamGRID5) We only provide this information in a form that is easy to carryaround - which by all of us without online INTERNET.WE has noaffiliation / relationship with the IslamGRIDWE ALSO ADDED A LOT OF FUNCTIONS - God willing OTHER USEFULFUNCTIONS LIKE:1) Function Write, store and share notes2) voice recording function3) The functions of the barcode scanner4) Function QR code scanner5) The function of the digital signature6) function in the application sms7) Function favorites8) the search function in the application9) search function prayer times throughout Malaysia10) The Goal Trackerand much more ...All info / questions / suggestions / objections, please submit topengurus@murahbeb.comWe would appreciate any suggestions youThank you
Bunyi Kucing 3.0
Lizdin Enterprise
Android apps ini adalah sebuah androidappsringkas yang akan mengeluarkan bunyi kucing jikadisentuhgambarnya. Insyaallah, kami akan menambah lagi ciri - ciriunikbagi apps ini.Cara Penggunaanya:1) Klik / tap gambar kucing dan ia akan mengeluarkanbunyimeow2) * Bunyi kucing juga akan terhasil jika ada pergerakanpadahandset / tablet anda.Jika ada sebarang cadangan / komen tentang apss ini, janganlupahubungi kami di admin@bisnesonline.bizKami amat menghargainya.Android apps androidappsis a brief that will produce sound if touched cat picture.Godwilling, we will add more features - unique features of thisapp.Use or manner:1) Click / tap the cat picture and it will producesoundmeow2) * Cat Sounds will also result if there is movement on thehandset/ tablet.If you have any suggestions / comments about this apss, donotforget to contact us at admin@bisnesonline.bizWe appreciate that.
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Koleksi 300 kata kata lucu untuk anda!
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101 + Funniest Lawyer Jokes Ever
Acid Reflux Treatment Tips 7.0
Lizdin Enterprise
Do you want to know tips about acid refluxremedy ? We cover it all here. We gathered many tips for you. Ifyou have any acid reflux problem, this is the place to find theremedies. We cover topic such as acid reflux symptoms, gerdsymptoms , acid reflux diets and many more.We hope that you will have a tremendously great health with thisapp.If you have any comments or feedback, please contact usFEW OF THE TIPS:"Chew your foods well, do not rush on eating, 20 minutes foreach meal will do. Extract all the nourishment that you can get inyour food""Along with the diet, it is also advisable to keep yourself in astraight position during and after eating, for least 45minutes"EXTRA FEATURES:1) Note taking feature2) Search feature3) Countdown timer for 20184) Scanner feature (Barcode and QR Code scan)and many moreWe appreciate your feedbackThanks.
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101 + Funniest Birthday Jokes Ever for 2020
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Simple Afghanistan Map Offline for 2020
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Dog Adoption Info Tips for 2020